
The Burden

Loosen The Burden

The goal of this website is to promote for the reduction and/or the elimination of student debt. To date, 44.7 million American college students owe a combined total of $1.71 TRILLION, and counting, in student debt. This amounts to an average of about $38,255 per American college student. Not only that, that the tuition rate increases about 8 percent on average per year. With the rising tuition rate, the rate of student debt is to certainly increase. With that being said, there is undeniably a need for change.

The Making Of The Title

The term "Loosen The Burden" is an exact representation of how most American college students feel about their student debt. Most recent grads perceive that their student debt is a burden.

Why Is The Elimination/Reduction of Student Debt Important?

  1. Degrees are becoming more in demand for entranced leveled jobs. This mean that for many American to be able to enter the dream career, they have to obtain a degree. Meaning that many will have to undergo the strain of gaining student debt, throught student loans.
  2. As mentioned beforehand, getting higher education cost money. Unfortunaly, not everyone is lucky enough to pay for the cost up front or out of pocket. Also not everyone is lucky enough to recieve scholarships to help aliviate the cost of higher educations.
  3. Lastly, a career after graduating college is not guaranteed. This can leave a great deal of college grads in debt with no way of paying it back.

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